Chameleon Collection
Choose from our fine selection of wallpapers and fabric with fabulous and vibrant colours to choose from.
Choose from our fine selection of styles from Art Deco and Art Nouveau to Damask and Paisely choose from.
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Chameleon Collection

Victorian Wallpaper

Victorian wallpaper played a pivotal role in defining the aesthetic of the 19th-century interior. Characterized by elaborate patterns, rich colors, and intricate designs, Victorian wallpaper reflected the era's fascination with ornamentation and the revival of historical styles. Popular during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901), this decorative trend transformed ordinary walls into opulent canvases.

Search below for a wide variety of Victorian wallpaper designs. We promise you will not be disappointed.


a beautiful example of the florid and ornate designs that were popular during the Victorian era. The wallpaper features a large central floral motif

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